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In The Gathering

Serve In The Gathering

Northshore Church's mission is to transform worship, people, and the world. 1 Peter 4:10-11 says, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ." Each week, you can use the gifts and talents you have received to help others experience God. 


Learn more about our teams and utilize the form below to begin serving today.

Greeter Team
Welcome guests and regular attenders by letting them know how glad we are that they chose to join us for worship. Direct families to the children's worship area, our restroom facilities, or a cup of coffee before they enter the Worship Center.


Usher Team
Open the door and welcome each person entering the Worship Center and assist guests in finding a seat. Ushers also help collect tithes and offerings during our time of giving.


Prayer Team
The prayer team receives requests through email, phone calls, and prayer cards collected each Sunday.  Each team member receives an email of the needs and commits to praying for them each week. Sensitivity, respect, and confidentiality are of utmost importance.


We believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be loud, and good leaders always care. Interested in storytelling, singing, leading games, scripture memorization, or crafts? Any special skills that would enrich the lives of our children? Then this is the place for you! For the protection of our little ones, background checks and covenant membership are required to serve in the Children's Ministry. 


Shore Students
We are always looking for servants to supply a helping hand. We provide a weekly teaching environment for 6th-12th grade students that meet Sundays at 6PM. Each week students experience a mixture of worship, games, message, and fellowship. Interested in acting, singing, or playing in a band? Have a desire to mentor and disciple students? 


Administration Team
Team members on the Admin team collect and count the offering, make the weekly deposits, count attendance in worship gatherings, and help formulate reports for monthly meetings.


Worship Ministry

At Northshore Church, our Worship Ministry exists to lead our church family in authentic, Christ-centered worship. Whether with the band, vocal team, media, or audio team, there’s a place for everyone to serve and make a difference. We strive to create a worship gathering that connects us to God, with one another, and that sends us out to reach our community with the Gospel.


Meals That Heal

Meals that Heal is a ministry which provides meals to the church family during a time of need, such as: times of crisis, after a birth of a baby, hospitalization, death in the family, etc.  Serving  by simply providing a meal is a great way to encourage others and show God's love.


Care Team

The Care Team is a ministry of Northshore Church that serves to minister to others by visiting or calling people who are sick, shut in, or just in need of a caring friend to show the love of Christ. 

Where would you like to serve...

Thanks for submitting!

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